Trike training with Sport Aviation Center
Sport Aviation Center is one of only a few schools in the country to offer concentrated trike flight training. We train full time. No waiting for the instructor to get time off from his/her regular job. We train 24/7 365 days a week weather permitting. We are also one of the few schools that can train more than one person at a time (by partnering with Mustang Aviation). Consequently, you get the training you need in days instead of months. No waiting. We are always flying.
You train in Weight-Shift Control trikes for:
- Sport Pilot initial (plus transition training for airplane private, ATP pilots)
- Private Pilot
- CFI Sport Pilot
We do the training and also to the checkrides for all. Everything in one location. We are one of the the top trike training facilities in the world.
We “wrote the books” and produced THE DVDs for weight-shift control training.
Our training environment is east of the beautiful Sierra Mountains of Nevada. We have five airports to work with including an un-controlled towered field (our home field — Carson City Airport) so your training experience will be varied as well as thorough.
Where do I start?
This depends on your specific situation. Each person is different.
But overall, the more you can study on your own before you come to fly, the faster, more efficient and less expensive it will be.
Most of our clients schedule three days of training to start things off. An average training day is 3-4 hours of flying (in the morning — weather permitting). The mornings provide the smooth air required for training activities. By the end of these three days, you will be getting close to being ready for solo and you’ll know what type of trike flying you are most interested in (which determines the kind of trike you buy).
Since training is one of our main activities, our web site which lists all the details specifically for training is at our main training site:
Sport Aviation Center is located 30 miles south of Reno in Carson City, Nevada near Lake Tahoe, California.
Maintenance Training
Sport Aviation Center uses Rainbow Aviation to train trike repairmen. Both 16 and 104-hour courses are offered.
The 16-hour course is for Experimental Light-Sport Aircraft (ELSA) owners who want to do their own annual inspections. These courses are offered both at Corning, CA and various locations throughout the country.
The 104-hour course (120 hours if you go for the fixed-wing rating) is for those who want to maintain both ELSAs and Special Light-Sport Aircraft (SLSA) and is provided at Rainbow Aviation’s Corning, CA facility. At the completion of this course, you will be authorized to maintain and perform the 100 hour and annual inspections of SLSA and ELSA trikes.
Additionally, as a maintenance professional you can charge for your services.